Antique shop specialising in militaria, military collectibles and historical reconstruction.
Duce visor capDuce visor cap, size 58, good quality, REPLICA, any question, please, contact us. |
Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (traffic controllers and station managers) 1942-1945Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (traffic controllers and station managers), size 58, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (traffic controllers and station managers) 1941Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (traffic controllers and station managers), size 58, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 1) 1941-1945Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 1), size 58, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 7-2) 1941Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 7-2), size 58, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 11-7a) 1942-1945Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 11-7a), size 58, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 12-17a) 1941Deutsche Reichsbahn visor cap (Beamte der Besoldungsgruppe 12-17a), size 58, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Luftwaffe NCO's visor cap, Flak, reproLuftwaffe NCO's visor cap, Flak, size 58, good quality, REPLICA, red piping, any question, please, contact us. |
German Imperial Army Hussars officer visor cap, repro (WWI)German Imperial army hussars officer visor cap (WWI) Husaren-Regt. Landgraf Friedrich III von Hessen-Homburg (2.Kurhessisches) Nr.14, tricot, size 58, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, contact us. |
Heer artillery officer visor cap, reproHeer artillery officer visor cap, size 58, tricot, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Luftwaffe general visor cap, reproLuftwaffe general visor cap, size 58, tricot, good quality, REPLICA, any question contact us. |
Heer infantry officer visor cap, reproHeer infantry officer visor cap, size 58, tricot, good quality, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Waffen SS officer visor cap, reproWaffen SS officer visor cap, size 58, tricot, good quality, REPLICA, any question contact us. |
Heer Panzer officer visor cap, reproHeer Panzer officer visor cap, repro, size 58, good quality, made in tricot, REPLICA, metal insignia, any question, please, contact us. |
Luftwaffe NCO's visor cap, medical, reproLuftwaffe NCO's visor cap, dark blue piping, size 58, good quality, made in wool, REPLICA, metal cocarde and eagle, any question, please, contact us. |
SA Kepi, repro (SA Gruppe-Mitte)SA Kepi, size 58, good quality, REPLICA, any question contact us. |
SA Kepi, repro (SA Gruppe-Schlesien)SA Kepi, size 58, good quality, REPLICA, any question contact us. |
SA Kepi, repro (SA Gruppe-Sudetenland)SA Kepi, size 58, good quality, REPLICA, any question contact us. |
SA officer Kepi , (SA Gruppe-Mitte)SA officer Kepi, size 58 good quality, REPLICA, any question contact us. |
SS armbandDescription: SS armband, good quality, REPLICA, any question, contact us. |
Armband of the NSDAP hierarchsDescription: Armband of the NSDAP hierarchs, good quality, REPLICA, any question, contact us. |
Armband of the NSDAP hierarchsDescription: Armband of the NSDAP hierarchs, good quality, REPLICA, any question, contact us. |
Hitlerjugend armbandDescription: Hitlerjugend armband, good quality, REPLICA, any question, contact us. |