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Ordem da Estrela Vermelha com documento de concessão

Description: Order of the Red Star of a soldier of the 43th mortars Guards regiment, researched medal, including copies of Russian Military Archive and the complete translation to english.


-Order of the Red Star number: 1.671.258, issued February 4th, 1945 becuase "

On January 14, 1945, next to Meshki-Velki (Poland), the enemy concentrated up to an infantry battalion and 3 tanks with the aim of counterattacking our units, the firing position of the battery was subjected to strong artillery fire.

The enemy's howitzers exploded next to the combat weapon, ignoring the danger. Under heavy artillery fire, Comrade Kosoy was loading the combat weapon and as a result the weapon was loaded on time. With the shot fired the enemy lost up to one infantry unit and the enemy's counterattack was thwarted.

On January 21, 1945, next to Kuzhentin under uninterrupted artillery fire from the enemy, Comrade Kosoy bravely carried out the loading of the combat weapon with which he encouraged his comrades to carry out the task of combat precisely, as a result of the shot that was carried out in a timely manner towards the accumulation of infantry and vehicles, the enemy lost 3 automatic vehicles and even an infantry unit ".

A genuine soviet WWII researched group!!

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