
Wiki - Soviet Union - Prague Liberation Medal


Established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on June 9, 1945, it was awarded to all defenders of Moscow, both civilian and military, who took part in the liberation of Prague between May 3 and 9, 1945.
On May 2, 1945, the last pockets of German resistance surrendered, but Axis troops held out in Czechoslovakia, where some 900,000 men, thousands of guns, tanks and planes were concentrated. On May 5, 1945 there was a popular uprising against the German invader in Prague, the rebels asked for help to the Red Army that joined in the attack taking the city with about 140,000 casualties.
The medal was designed by painter A. I. Kuznetsov, has a diameter of 32 mm, is made of brass.
The medal for the capture of Berlin was awarded to approximately 395,000 people.
Collecting the medal:
There are three variants, the first variant has the ring soldered to the medal, the second variant differs from the first in that the ring and medal are one piece and that the medal is U-shaped, the third variant is one piece but its ring is round and with rounded edges.
1st Variant
Medalla de la liberación de Praga
Medalla de la liberación de Praga, reverso
2nd variation
Medalla de la liberación de Praga
3rd variant
Medalla de la toma de Berlín
The award documents:
There are 2 variants.
1st Variant
Documento de concesión de la Medalla de la liberación de Praga
Documento de concesión de la Medalla de la liberación de Praga
2nd variant
Documento de concesión de la Medalla de la liberación de Praga

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