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Erforschte Gruppen-Soldat 269 Division der Garde

Description : Group Private Nikolai Ivanovich Badakva, 269 Mortars Division of the Guard (World War II ), researched group, including copies of Russian Military Archive and the complete translation to english. 

- Awards book

- Military Merit Medal , number : 625.049, silver, awarded on 10-25-1943, awarded for the events of 9-24-1943 with Kurchanskaya, soldier Badakba under artillery fire, working with the weapon and with his example of bravery and courage encouraged the guards.

- Medal of Valor , number : 2.660.325 , silver , awarded on 4.3.1945 because on April 22, 1945, in the fighting in Hohenrade he replaced the gun pointer and despite the strong artillery fire was the first in aiming the weapon at the target, so I ensure the downloads on time.


- Military Merit Medal , without number

All medals included in the group are in very good condition .

This item is guaranteed as original, any question , contact us .


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